Gold Sluice Box
Sluice boxes have been used for the recovery of heavy minerals for over a thousand years and are still being used in small scale gold mining operations.
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Vibrating sluice box ( pulsating sluice ) is a new type of placer gold mining equipment developed on the ordinary fixed gold sluice box. The vibrating sluice box is a gravity separation machine, mainly used for the placer gold mines. It combines the advantages of fixed chutes and jigs, over the shortcomings of silting-up, harden, has a very good effect on recover fine gold.
Some small or medium scale plants specific in Africa rely on the gold sluice box for the primary concentration of nugget gold as well as very fine particle gold, both can be achieved in the same pass.
This is a gold wash plant that we provided for Ghana customer. as we may know that Ghana is very rich of alluvial gold ores, which contains big gold nugget of high grade, but the soil is very sticky, and not easy to wash and clean. This type of gold wash plant is a very popular design in Ghana, many miners prefer to apply it. And the final fine recovered and concentrated gold ores will be collected by the gold sluice box.
The water washed through the gold trough, bringing clay, sand and other impurities to the counter-current end. Due to the high density of gold, it will stay. Most of the gold will be left on the sticky gold blanket at the lower end of the gold sink, or it will be deposited in the slow water block. The gold trough is widely used in placer gold mining, whether it is a small or large mine.
Technical Parameter Application Features Technical Parameter

1. Low price, no electric power need, lightweight, easy installation.
2. Adjustable combined with grizzly feeder, hopper, trommel scrubber, vibrating screen, centrifugal concentrator;
3. Install the gold carpet/mat to catch the fine and coarse gold.